Rambles of One Windborn(e)

from EDWARD WATERS, Bard of the Grey Wind

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Poet, singer-songwriter, essayist, aphorist. BA in English Literature (1980); Master of Divinity (1991). Married in 1980 to Cindy ('My best friend and the love of my life'). Itinerant work of music and speaking spanned four decades, ranging over most of the length of the U.S. eastern seaboard and to England. Has composed over 90 songs. Released first recorded collection, The Thing That Matters, in 1988. This and more recent selections may be heard online at Edward's primary website, Bard of the Grey Wind, also containing some of his general writing and poetry. Partial to ancient and mediaeval literature and history; Shakespeare; etymology; legend and folklore; and the lives, works, and scholarship of British authors associated with the Inklings circle. Enjoys early and Baroque music, 'period' films, family evenings of reading aloud, and (particularly during autumn and winter) walking in the woods and mountains. Also has devout views on the proper preparation of a decent cup of tea.

19 September 2008

What Sort of Trust Clings to the Dust?

Heaven Is Their Reward

A Song by Edward Waters
(Copyright © July 1987)

A scholar came to Christ and said,
'I'll follow You, Teacher,
Wherever You may go!'
Jesus looked on his face, and, after a space,
He said, 'I would have you know:
Foxes have holes, birds have their nests,
But I Myself have no place to rest. [1]
If you'd be Mine, you too must find
All that you need in Me.'

On another day a lad possessed of wealth and power
Came seeking life that would never end.
From his earliest day God's word he'd obeyed
In regard to his fellow man.
Jesus saw in his heart, though he'd made a good start,
Still he'd not learned to love the Things Above.
He said, 'To live evermore, give your wealth to the poor
And then come and follow Me.' [2]

Bless'd are those with a spirit of poverty,
Those who love not the things of the earth.
The kingdom of heaven is their reward, [3]
A treasure of higher worth!

It's a wondrous truth that we are saved, not by works,
But by grace where in faith we stand. [4]
Oh, but what sort of trust clings to the dust
When the Kingdom's so close at hand?
If I really believe, then to Him I will cleave;
For I've learned of His love and heard His call.
All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,
I surrender all!

Bless'd are those with a spirit of poverty,
Those who love not the things of the earth.
The kingdom of heaven is their reward,
A treasure of higher worth!

Love not the things of the earth!
Seek the treasure of higher worth!

[1] Matthew 8.19-20 [2] Mark 10.17-21
[3] Matthew 5.3 [4] Ephesians 2.8-9


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