Rambles of One Windborn(e)

from EDWARD WATERS, Bard of the Grey Wind

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Poet, singer-songwriter, essayist, aphorist. BA in English Literature (1980); Master of Divinity (1991). Married in 1980 to Cindy ('My best friend and the love of my life'). Itinerant work of music and speaking spanned four decades, ranging over most of the length of the U.S. eastern seaboard and to England. Has composed over 90 songs. Released first recorded collection, The Thing That Matters, in 1988. This and more recent selections may be heard online at Edward's primary website, Bard of the Grey Wind, also containing some of his general writing and poetry. Partial to ancient and mediaeval literature and history; Shakespeare; etymology; legend and folklore; and the lives, works, and scholarship of British authors associated with the Inklings circle. Enjoys early and Baroque music, 'period' films, family evenings of reading aloud, and (particularly during autumn and winter) walking in the woods and mountains. Also has devout views on the proper preparation of a decent cup of tea.

09 July 2006

No God but God

The Shepherd of My Soul
A Song by Edward Waters
(Copyright © September 2001)

You are the Shepherd of my soul.[1]
You are my all-sufficient Lord:
You give me rest;[2] You give me strength;
in You my spirit is restored.[3]
You are my Father[4] and my Friend,[5]
the greatest comfort in my grief,[6]
The Love that heals my fear and shame,[7]
within whose arms I find relief.[8]
Some men may say my faith is blind,
but I see You are who You are:[9]
No god but God, no way but Truth.
Whatever comes, You're never far.[10]
When You put gladness in my heart,
all shadows hasten to withdraw.[11]
You are gracious; You are God:[12]
You have my love; You have my awe![13]

You are the Shepherd of my soul.
O let me follow where You lead!
Yours is the Word by which I live,
the only Voice I choose to heed.[14]
It is a lamp unto my feet.
It is a light unto my way.
My lips have sworn, my life shall prove,
that I will hold to what You say.[15]
And should men ask what god I serve,
I'll answer, 'He is who He is:[16]
No god but God, no way but Truth.
I'll live no life but one that's His.[17]
He is the Kindler of the Stars,[18]
Master of All,[19] Ancient of Days;[20]
And no pretender to His throne
shall stand one moment in His gaze!'[21]

There is a life that cannot start
until what's dead has been entombed.[22]
There is a fire that ever burns,
and yet its host is not consumed;
And he that turns to see this sight
is nevermore the same.
I stand unshod on holy ground
and hear a Voice within the Flame:[23]
'Though men will ask what god you serve,
I Am Who I Am:[24]
No god but God, no way but Truth.
I hold all things in My hand.[25]
If you will trust now in My word,
I'll teach you what to say[26] and do;[27]
Reach out in faith and see My power,[28]
and know that I will be with you.'[29]

Lord, I have sworn, my life shall prove,
that I will hold to what You say.

You are the Shepherd of my soul.

[1] I Peter 2.25 [2] Matthew 11.28 [3] Psalm 23.1-3 [4] Luke 11.13
[5] Proverbs 17.17a [6] Matthew 5.4 [7] Psalm 34.17-18
[8] Luke 15.20; John 16.22 [9] Matthew 8.5-13 [10] Psalm 145.18
[11] Psalm 4.6-7 [12] Nehemiah 9.31 [13] Hebrews 12.28-29
[14] John 10.27-28 [15] Psalm 119.105-106 [16] John 10.29-30
[17] Matthew 10.37-39 [18] Genesis 1.16 [19] Philippians 2.9-11
[20] Daniel 7.9ff [21] Revelation 6.15-17; Isaiah 2.8-11; Psalm 2
[22] Romans 6.3-11 [23] Exodus 3.2-6 [24] Exodus 3.13-14
[25] Psalm 95.3-5; Isaiah 48.12-13 [26] Exodus 4.12
[27] Exodus 4.15 [28] Exodus 4.4-5; 14.13-16,21
[29] Exodus 3.12; Matthew 28.20


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